Carmel of Our Lady, Mary Mediatrix of All Grace
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish, also called the Monastery of Mary Mediatrix of All Grace, albeit its relatively modern architecture compared with the century-old Batangas churches, also has an interesting history to tell. In September 1948, two years after the church was built, story has been told that the Blessed Virgin Mary has appeared to a Carmelite nun named Teresita Castillo inside the church grounds. Other miracles occurred including the showering of petals inside and out of the convent. However, the apparition was not officially recognized by the Church as a supernatural intervention. This decision is not entirely free of controversy as some bishops were allegedly forced to sign the declaration disfavoring the apparition. It’s hard to judge if the apparitions are authentic or not. The fact is that I’ve witnessed how a lot of devotees flock into the chapel on a Holy Week when we did the Visita Iglesia. Quite confusing because #6 and this parish are similarly named. These two are actually located close to each other. It turns out that the Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish, also named as Monastery of Mary Mediatrix of All Grace is a convent.